Can turn off computer adguard home

can turn off computer adguard home

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How to setup DNS Rewrites in Adguard Home
Doing just, "./AdGuardHome -s stop " (without the bracket of course), stops the adguardhome service, but my net stops. I have to either. Routers with low RAM, flash/storage space or slower processors will potentially not be suitable to run AdGuard Home. You may want to run AdGuard. Alternatively, instead of unchecking Auto-deny apps from auto starting entirely, you can go to Settings > Battery-saving options > Auto-start manager > AdGuard.
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Ensure that your request to example. You should move your AdGuard Home installation or working directory to another location. Therefore, on unix systems you need to run it with sudo or doas in terminal:. So I would really like some this being implemented. Say a few hours.